Import 3D Assets

Now it starts getting exciting, time to add your custom 3D assets.

Importing 3D assets is simple and it gives your Metagate a whole new feel. Here's how to do it:

  1. Find a blank space on the floor within your Metagate, then press 'Q'.

  2. Click the + icon.

  3. Choose where you would like to place the holopad (a placeholder for the object), and press 'E'.

  4. Press 'F' while the holopad is highlighted. Then click 'Upload'.

If you own any NFTs that have a 3D object file in the metadata, you can click the NFT tab and place it. Any previously uploaded non-NFT files will appear under objects.

  1. Select and open the 3D file you would like to import.


  • GLB files only.

  • 50 MB maximum per file.

  • Maximum of 10 materials are allowed per file.

  • Maximum of 10 textures are allowed per file.

  • Maximum of 5 meshes are allowed per file.

  • No more than 75 bones are allowed per file.

  • Filename must not contain more than 100 characters.

  • Draco compression is currently unsupported.

  1. Wait until the file loads in.

  2. Now you can customize object placement. Here are the various settings:

    • Show Holopad: Show or hide the holopad under the object.

    • Color: Change the color overlay (white = no overlay).

    • Position: Move the object along the X, Y, and Z axis.

    • Rotation: Rotate the object along the X, Y, and Z axis.

    • Scale: Change the scale of the object from 0.5x, all the way to 6x.

  3. Once you are satisfied, click save button.

  4. You have now placed a custom 3D object!

To replace the existing custom 3D object with another, follow steps 5-9 again.

Last updated